No matter what your scar looks like or how it originated, there’s a chance that scar revision surgery might be a great option for you. However, ensuring that your timing is accurate is important, as your body may still be healing after your surgery orContinue reading
All posts by randwickplasticsurgery
Abdominoplasty 101 – Somethings you need to know.
Abdominoplasty, also known as a “tummy tuck”, is a surgical procedure that aims to enhance the shape and tone of the abdominal region. The procedure involves the removal of excess fat and skin to improve the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supportsContinue reading
What is Carpal Tunnel syndrome and how best to treat it?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a painful disorder of the hand caused by pressure on nerves that run through the wrist, it is highly common and occurs only in adults. The caring and supportive team at Randwick Plastic Surgery are experienced in treating and effectivelyContinue reading
Jason’s Bionic Arm
TMR Surgery for Jason Dr Sean Nicklin has been working with Jason who lost his arm in a farming accident over two years ago. Jason was unable to continue his previous building and farming activities, but breakthrough technology has given him the opportunity to beContinue reading
Breast Implant replacement surgery
The ever increasing number of women seeking breast implants has lead to a dramatic increase in the number of women seeking breast implant revision and replacement surgery. Women sometimes request exchange or revision of implants due to issues with their initial surgery. This can beContinue reading
Shopping for Health Funds?
My joyous experience shopping around for a new Health Fund So I finally took the plunge and went through the pain of comparing my health fund policy with others, and here is how it went for me … My process I ruled out health fundsContinue reading
What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery?
Many women suffer from restricted mobility, back and neck pain as well as rashes and discomfort caused by uncomfortably large breasts. Breast Reduction surgery has a high success rate and has become a very popular choice by women who are looking to regain confidence andContinue reading
Welcome to our new website! After what feels like a lifetime of planning and meetings, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new Randwick Plastic Surgery website. This is long overdue but we think our facelift has helped us truly reflect who we areContinue reading