Breast Implant replacement surgery


The ever increasing number of women seeking breast implants has lead to a dramatic increase in the number of women seeking breast implant revision and replacement surgery.

Women sometimes  request exchange or revision  of implants  due to issues with their initial surgery. This can be a result of many factors including:

  • unsuitable choice of implant size
  • wrong position of implant
  • failure to lift the breast tissue

These are all issues that can often be corrected  with replacement of suitable implants , sometimes also  with a breast lift.

Ruptured Implants

Women also sometimes request removal of implants due to change in the implant capsule over time and thus change in breast shape. They may also experience pain related to the capsule.

There may be a rupture or leak in the implant which can cause increased pain and further complications. Removal of the implant and capsule can correct some of these problems with or without re-insertion of another implant.

ALCL Cancer

Recent media reports have drawn attention to a rare type of cancer associated with breast implants called ALCL- Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. ALCL is a rare tumour that can occur in the capsule around breast implants. Some women with implants may have concerns regarding the risk of this type of cancer and often  consider removal of their implants or change to an implant with a lower risk of this tumour developing.

Get Professional Advice

Any woman concerned about her implants can book a consultation with Dr Nicklin to check for any signs of the condition, discuss the risks and consider implant removal or exchange as appropriate.

About Dr Nicklin

Dr Nicklin is an Australian and British trained Plastic Surgeon with a private practice in Sydney specialising in restorative and reconstructive surgery of the breast, hand and body.

Dr Nicklin’s professional memberships include the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Surgeons Ed and Glas.

Dr Nicklin and his team aim to provide patients with the best possible care, with compassion and respect, and to take the time to provide you with information, advice and counselling about your surgery.

You can find out more about Dr Sean Nicklin on his website.